
Essential Romania
The program involves integrated intervention at local level (community, neighbourhood, locality). The community in not only the place where knowledge and capital are accumulated and sedimented, but also where they are renewed and expanded. The sustainable development of communities and the socio-economic regeneration of the territory are based on history, tradition and natural potential. This gives rise to identity, which is a competitive value that is difficult to reproduce. A territory is in fact defined by the coordination of geographical, natural, anthropogenic and historical components. However, to be defined/ definable as such, a territory needs coherence: of local identity.
Innovation and creativity form the most powerful vector of community development. The diversity of communities and resources in Romania is a huge potential for development. The aim of our approach is to make superior use of resources, through expertise and responsability, in a multidisciplinary program, capable of creating business structures at community level, integrated in networks of valorisation of local material and immaterial production.

Productive Hospitality & Responsible Tourism
The phrase ‘responsible tourism’ was launched as such relatively recently, in 2002 in Cape Town, at the first international conference on Responsible Tourism Destinations. But the first ideas have been emerging since the 1980s and over time have crystallized into a viable, relevant and globally recognised concept.
In Romania, the first actions that treated, adapted, disseminated and popularized the concept were initiated by the Amfiteatru Foundation since 2012, as a result of the continuous concern for the affirmation of community identities and experiences.
We start from the conviction that Romania is in dire need of understanding and propagating the principles of responsible tourism, of transferring the theory born around it into concrete action. For Romania, the solutions for tourism to make a reasonable contribution to the well-being of communities are closely linked to the principles of responsible tourism.

Health Romania
Launched in 2006 with the “Amfiteatru for Health” conference series, the overall objective of the program is to strengthen confidence in the quality and safety of healthcare services, both for patients in Romania and abroad. The program includes local and European projects, conferences, courses, editorial productions, and supports the professional-scientific approach in the field of quality management in health. As an essential part of the program, the Health Romania Cluster brings together leading health facilities, healthcare providers, professional organisations, higher education and scientific research institutions, health facilitators, catalyst organisations, etc.

Dedicated to the creative industries and performing arts, Caleido is a program that celebrates diversity in all its forms. We attack social issues using the weapons of empathy, giving voice to the most vulnerable among us. What began as a theatre festival has quickly evolved into a platform for diverse but equally valuable voices, adding other modes of artistic communication. More recently we have also become involved in developing the artistic community through our own productions, support for independent bands and theatres, advice and mentoring, and photography projects.

The 2020-2022 period, with all its uncertainties and unknowns, has reminded us that the only constant is change. So we have launched an internal research/innovation programme to explore new development directions – energy, environment, agriculture, food, public policy.